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Welcome to She Vets It – an online community uniting women veterans, military spouses, and dependents. Our platform empowers women, fostering a supportive community through insightful interviews covering entrepreneurship, mental health, wellness, career transitioning, education, and accessing benefits. We believe in uniting voices, sharing stories, and creating a space for women veterans. Tune in for inspiring stories and expert advice as we work together to empower women veterans. Thank you for your support.
Legal Disclaimer:
The She Vets It podcast provides general information and is not a substitute for professional legal or medical advice. Listeners, guests, and the founder acknowledge that the information is used at their own risk.
Guest opinions are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the podcast, its founder, or affiliates. The podcast, founder, and affiliates make no warranties about the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the information. Use at your own risk.
The podcast, founder, and affiliates are not liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of the podcast. This legal disclaimer may change without notice. By using She Vets It, listeners, guests, and the founder agree to the current version of this disclaimer.
The "She Vets It" plaform is a free online speaker series that covers the areas of entrepreneurship, mental health & welllness and career transition.
The Podcast can be found on all podcast platforms such as Apple, Spotify, iheart Radio, Amazon Music and more. You can click here:
The Podcast can be found on all podcast platforms such as Apple, Spotify, iheart Radio, Amazon Music and more. You can click here:
This platform is free of charge and all guest speakers are volunteers on the platform.
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